Saturday, March 1, 2014

Creating a Routine

With all of the medications and treatments we CF'ers have to do, it's hard to balance them along with striving to live a normal life. Here are some tips that I've used to help succeed medically and socially!

1. write down all of the things you have to do in the order that they need to be done. what is most important? what can wait?
2. determine how much time each task will take (for things like Tobi treatments, use an approximate guess. It's always good to give extra time for this, and if it takes less than you planned, yay! free time!
3. leave room for exceptions and emergencies. for example, you put 15 minutes to drive to were running 3 minutes late, and you hit every red light! Go ahead and allow 20 just to be safe!
4. create a checklist, and invest in a sturdy day planner! Check the things off as you go.

Many people don't have to worry about time management because they aren't bound by medical treatments and therapies. Be sure that once you create this routine, you stick to it! It takes 6 weeks to create a habit and only 3 days to break it!

Best of luck!


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