Thursday, February 6, 2014


Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition that affects a number of Cystic Fibrosis patients. The flow of air pauses, or is limited during sleep due to obstructive airways. A pause in breathing is called an apnea episode. A decrease in the air flow is called a hypopnea episode.

Quality sleep is highly important and greatly impacts a person's overall health. Disrupted sleep can impair alertness, affect hormones, and much more. 

Another thing that could be affect your sleep is your medicine schedule. Certain medications such as Albuterol, have common symptoms that can affect your body's ability to relax. It can cause restlessness, nervousness, and irritability.

Iron deficiencies can also cause you to lose sleep by making you feel restless.Restlessness can be described as just when you're relaxing your feel a sensation that causes you to have to move.

The link below from has a list of possible treatments and drugs to aid in overcoming sleep apnea.

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